JJEU Masters Championship 2017 / Mistrzostwa Europy Masters 2017
Welcome to Poland
Dear Sport Friends.
It gives me a great pleasure to invite you again to Poland, this time to the JJEU Masters Championship 2017 in the beautiful city of Krakow. The Masters is fresh approach in ju-jitsu but without a doubt as important one as others. A chance to our seniors to prove again their skills to each other – and mostly to themselves – has not having only competitive role but important educational and social. It stresses importance of sport, being fit and gives a chance of meeting old friends, as making new ones. Demonstration and exchange of experience in ju-jitsu through this kind of events are priceless.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank Polish Ju-Jitsu Association, its President, Mr Tomasz Knap and his co-workers and colleagues, for fantastic year for ju-jitsu. From World Championship in 2016, through Masters Championship they will bring ju-jitsu to the peak – to World Games 2017 where ju-jitsu will again have a chance to prove itself and we in the JJEU Board, give our admiration to the Polish Ju-Jitsu Association for the energy invested in the popularisation of the ju-jitsu through mentioned events.
And for those who will be in the centre of attention and action, the athletes – I wish to stress again our wishes for good performance, good results and, beyond all, our wish that you remain ambassadors of skills, knowledge, fair play and the spirit of ju-jitsu.
In behalf of the JJEU Board I wish you a pleasant stay in Poland!
Robert Perc
JJEU President
JJIF Vice President
Ladies and gentlemen, dear sports friends
Ahead of us is another great event, the Ju-Jitsu European Championship for Masters 2017 in Krakow.
The holding of championship-level events is an excellent opportunity to promote the brand of Poland on the international scale. Thus, I am particularly pleased that this major event will be held in our country. Poland has already proven its ability to host sporting events such as JJIF Ju-Jitsu World Championship for Seniors 2016 in Wroclaw, which was held with great organizational success.
In the JJIF Ju-Jitsu World Championship in Wrocław was attended over 500 athletes and also coaches, medical staff, physiotherapists, officials and a lot of sports fans.
The competitions was also supported by 40 referees and 100 volunteers. Allow me to use this opportunity to warmly thank all of them.
The Ju-Jitsu European Championship for Masters, scheduled for June 2017, will be not only among the main championship events held in our country this year, but also a test of our readiness for The World Games 2017.
We hope for the Polish national team to be truly successful in both events, given their significant achievements over many years in the past. In the period 2011-2015, Poles won 46 medals: 14 gold
ones, 7 silver ones and 25 bronze ones in championship events in competition categories to be present at TWG 2017.
Sports events like this brings a lot of positive emotions. There is nothing that unite and affect people as strongly as the success of their country’s athletes wearing the national emblem – for Poland, a white eagle – on their chests.
I do believe that this sporting event and the emotions ensured by the athletes will be remembered by us for a long time.
With sporting regards,
Tomasz Knap
President of Polish Ju-Jitsu Association
Polski Związek Ju-Jitsu oraz Europejska Federacja Ju-Jitsu mają zaszczyt zaprosić Państwa na Mistrzostwa Europy Masters 2017, ktore w dniach 16-18 czerwca odbędą się w Krakowie. Będzie to świetna okazja na sprawdzenie swoich umiejętności na tle najlepszych zawodników Ju-Jitsu w Europie.
Zawody mają charakter otwarty, dlatego serdecznie zapraszamy zawodników z całej Polski do wzięcia udziału w tym wydarzeniu!
Polski Związek Ju-Jitsu
Warszawska 6/112,
Tel: +48 322530656
kontakt dla mediów: Dominik Woźniak, tel: 606 753 090
Data oraz miejsce zawodów:
Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji „Kolna”
Ul. Kolna 2
30-281 Kraków
Opłata startowa:
Fighting system – 50 €/zawodnik
Ne-Waza system – 50 €/zawodnik
Duo system – 50 €/para
Zgłoszenia proszę nadsyłać na adres email Polskiego Związku Ju Jitsu – office.poland@jujitsu.pl do 20 kwietnia 2017 roku. Zgłoszenia po tym terminie bedą obciążone dodatkową składką 10 euro.
Do 20 maja 2017
35 do 40 lat – 35(1982), 36(1981), 37(1980), 38(1979), 39(1978), 40(1977)
41 do 50 lat – 41(1976), 42(1975), 43(1974), 44(1973), 45(1972), 46(1971), 47(1970), 48(1969), 49(1968), 50(1967)
51 do 60 lat – 51(1966), 52(1965), 53(1964), 54(1963), 55(1962), 56(1961), 57(1960), 58(1959), 59(1958), 60(1957)
61 do 70 lat – 61(1956), 62(1955), 63(1954), 64(1953), 65(1952), 66(1951), 67(1950), 68(1949), 69(1948), 70(1947)
DUO System:
Zawodnicy w tej dyscyplinie podzieleni są na trzy kategorie – mężczyźni, kobiety oraz pary mieszane. Najmłodsi zawodnicy w DUO to roczniki od 1983 do 1986, ale jeden z nich musi być starczy niż 35 lat.
D1 35 > 40, mężczyźni, kobiety &pary mieszane
D2 41 > 50, mężczyźni, kobiety & pary mieszane
D3 51 > 60, mężczyźni, kobiety &pary mieszane
D4 61 > 70, mężczyźni, kobiety &pary mieszane
DUO Show System:
Zawodnicy w tej dyscyplinie podzieleni są na trzy kategorie – mężczyźni, kobiety oraz pary mieszane. Najmłodsi zawodnicy w DUO Show to roczniki od 1983 do 1986, ale jeden z nich musi być starczy niż 35 lat.
DS1 35 > 40, mężczyźni, kobiety &pary mieszane
DS2 41 > 50, mężczyźni, kobiety & pary mieszane
DS3 51 > 60, mężczyźni, kobiety &pary mieszane
DS4 61 > 70, mężczyźni, kobiety &pary mieszane
Fighting system: mężczyźni (M) kobiety (W):
M1 35 > 40, -62kg, -69kg, -77kg, -85kg, -94kg, plus 94kg
M2 41 > 50,-62kg, -69kg, -77kg, -85kg, -94kg, plus 94kg
M3 51 > 60kg,-62kg, -69kg, -77kg, -85kg, -94kg, plus 94kg
M4 61 > 70, -62kg, -69kg, -77kg, -85kg, -94kg, plus 94kg
W1 35 > 40, -55kg, -62kg, -70kg, plus 70kg
W2 41 > 50, -55kg, -62kg, -70kg, plus 70kg
W3 51 > 60,-55kg, -62kg, -70kg, plus 70kg
W4 61 > 70,-55kg, -62kg, -70kg,plus 70kg
Ne Waza: mężczyźni (M) kobiety (W):
M1 35 > 40, -62kg, -69kg, -77kg, -85kg, -94kg, plus 94kg
M2 41 > 50, -62kg, -69kg, -77kg, -85kg, -94kg, plus 94kg
M3 51 > 60kg, -62kg, -69kg, -77kg, -85kg, -94kg, plus 94kg
M4 61 > 70, -62kg, -69kg, -77kg, -85kg, -94kg, plus 94kg
W1 35 > 40, -55kg, -62kg, -70kg, plus 70kg
W2 41 > 50, -55kg, -62kg, -70kg, plus 70kg
W3 51 > 60,-55kg, -62kg, -70kg, plus 70kg
W4 61 > 70,-55 kg, -62 kg, -70 kg, plus 70kg
JJEU Masters Championship 2017 / Mistrzostwa Europy Masters 2017
This event was canceled
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